History shows that investing in gold or silver acts as an economic hedge against inflation. However there are many people in America who would like physical precious metals, but lack the discretionary capital. You may be one of these people. If so, you have the option to rollover your 401k account or transfer to a self managed IRA gold. The reason you’d need to and want to do a 401K rollover, is because your current retirement plan doesn’t allow for physical precious metals. A Gold IRA is the best way you can get physical precious materials into your hands.
Many investors are aware that gold and silver are valuable, but they still invest in precious metals via Exchange Traded Funds. ETFs are supported by metals. ETF share values can only be described as derivative paper assets, based on current market prices for precious metals. They don’t grant true ownership of gold and silver. Real assets are those that you can actually buy silver coins and bars. They have intrinsic value and will last a lifetime.
If you had the ability in 1970 to convert your 401K into a Gold IRA, and you did so in 1970, you could have rolled over $10,000 of that money into an IRA Gold investment. After all the wars, terrorist acts, oil shocks or devaluation, political upheavals, and any other factors that could negatively impact your finances or your investments, your Gold IRA today is worth $530,000.
The future value of gold, silver and other metals is expected to increase as the US Dollar continues to be devalued by our government and emerging economies need more precious metals in order to support central bank diversification efforts and infrastructure development. Silver investing is as smart as buying gold. It is important to hold precious metals or Gold 401K in your hand, and not just shares in funds that invest in silver bullion. A 401K rollover to a Gold IRA is a great way to protect your family’s financial future.