It’s Tempting to Outsource Online Courses when Juggling Life with Learning

Wow, this whole “Pay Someone To Do My Online Class” thing is really a big deal. So, let’s jump into the rabbit hole. If you order takeout, you may get what you want. But are you getting enough nutrients or knowledge?

Why would students consider handing their virtual bags to another person? It’s like a circus and everyone is trying to do too many things at once. There’s work, the family, or a goldfish in your home that wants attention. You can also add an online class, which moves as fast as light. The idea of throwing money at a problem is compelling enough.

Now here is the problem: where’s that old honor code again? What about that dusty, old code? If you pay someone else for your work, it’s the same as sneaking in to a marathon and pretending that you finished. While you might have reached the finish line of the race, how well did you experience the event?

We must not overlook what we lose when we take shortcuts. Learning is not only about grabbing that paper at the finish line; education should be stretching your brain into new directions. The same thing would happen if you went to the gym, and someone lifted weights on your behalf.

However, I get it. There are many ways to learn. Some learn better through doing something or by having things explained in another way. Quantum Physics in particular can be a difficult course to understand.

Also, there is the money issue. Today, it’s expensive to go to college – even if your textbooks are getting heavier. Some students need to work while studying in order to survive.

How does it affect legality, ethics and morality? This is a murky business. Unsurprisingly, schools do not approve of the practice. If you are caught doing so, it could lead to serious consequences.

To combat this, some schools try new techniques to maintain student engagement and provide support without resorting academic stunt doubles. You can think of interactive lessons, or even more personal time with your professors.

Now we find ourselves at a fork in the road between wanting to know why these students are feeling pushed into such decisions, and also wanting to acknowledge that they’re not being treated fairly.

The solution is to create a “middle ground” that will allow education systems and students to adjust without being forced into situations where cheating may be the only alternative.

It’s important to remember that, while taking shortcuts can be tempting in the beginning, it is learning genuinely something new which will last you a lifetime. After 100 unsuccessful attempts, you finally get it right when riding a motorcycle or making grandma’s special cookie recipe.

Instead of trying to find an easy solution, perhaps finding ways to improve education and make it more fun could be the way we navigate out of this maze. You’re not the only one fighting against formulas and numbers that run amok. This statistical boat is a collective effort to not capsize and navigate numerical waves.

Remember, statistics is storytelling done with numbers. Take your calculator sword and let’s create some epic stories. At least, don’t fall asleep reading our books. Asking why someone feels that way is better than jumping to conclusions. It is important to listen, and not just because we are uncomfortable.

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