Behind The Scenes Design and Construction of Sedaus Dams

A dam is the product of careful calculations read full report, a thorough design process and construction. There is more to the story than the dam. There are many types of dams that can be used to meet different needs. Some examples include arch, buttresses, gravity and embankments. They vary in size, design, shape and need.

The surveyors are involved in the selection of locations and the design of dams. They choose the most suitable site for the construction of the dam according to the contours and the physical characteristics of the terrain. The geologists can help identify the materials that were used in the construction of the ground as well as the types of soil and depths of bedrock. They search for ruptures and faults to detect any natural hazards. The ground must be strong enough to support the weight and volume of water, as well the dam. Hydrologists predict the future water flow through the dam and below it in seasons and years to come. They make detailed calculations when calculating how much water flows in normal situations or extreme ones.

A dam’s spillways can be analyzed to determine where the water is going. Diversions can be done through rivers, tunnels or dry construction pits. A second topic of discussion is the foundations for dams. Arch dams are built on solid rock. Embankment dams use concrete as a foundation for the strong bond between the original soil and the layers of a dam. Concrete dams are constructed primarily using materials such as steel and wood frames. These blocks speed up construction because they require less cleaning before more concrete can be added. There are fewer forms required. It requires heavy lifting equipment, it takes more time to cure and concrete is prone cracking.

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